Certificate of Approval As An Approved Crane Contractor
Crane World Asia received the Certificate of Approval As An Approved Crane Contractor.
This certification certifies that Crane World Asia Pte Ltd has been approved by the Commissioner for the purpose of carrying out the Installation, Alteration, Repair and Dismantling (Tower Cranes) under the Factories (Operation of Cranes) Regulations.
ISO 45001 : 2018 OHS
Crane World Asia received the Certificate of Registration from ISOCert.
This certification is to certify that Crane World Asia Pte Ltd has been confirming to ISO 45001 : 2018 Occupational Health And Safety’s requirements.
The bizSAFE Star level
Crane World Asia received the BizSafe Star Certificate.
In order to improve the standards of workplace safety and health, the Workplace Safety and Health Council has made it mandatory for contractors to attain the BizSafe certification. There are different levels of BizSafe certification starting from level 1, 2, 3, 4 and star. Crane World Asia Pte Ltd has obtained the star level, which is the highest among the five (5) levels.